Crafting Romantic Chemistry Between Two Protagonists in Novels

The Secret of Successful Chemistry: Between Two Protagonists in a Romantic Novel

In literature, chemistry is there in every type of relationship. It can be romantic, friendly, familial, and even between unknown people or enemies! Every relationship between characters should be based on an emotional connection that the reader can relate to. Don’t worry, there are simple ways to come out with a really interesting bond between your characters.

This article will focus on the chemistry of a relationship in a romantic novel. 

What is chemistry in literature?

The chemistry between two protagonists is a unique connection they haven’t with any characters in your book. The interaction should feel more effortless and natural to the reader.

They simply have a soul connection beyond anything else. However, it is something that can evolve through your book. It can get stronger and take many forms as emotional, intellectual, or spiritual chemistry.

Chemistry in romantic novels is such an intense connection between the two protagonists that they decide to travel with the person they have met and choose to grow together. Romantic chemistry doesn’t need a physical connection to be strong but could be a part of your protagonists.

Now we have seen what chemistry is in literature, let’s see how you can create successful chemistry between your two protagonists in a romantic novel.

1. Emotional Intimacy

People share a secret that nobody else knows when intimacy is already there between them. It shows that they can believe the other person. 

Create a situation where the two protagonists have to rely on each other. They will develop trust when working together.

And what is trust? One of the strong pillars of love!

Don’t hesitate to use real characteristics of love in your romance novel like trust so that your readers feel more connected with your story.

Close characters feel and understand each other’s emotions. Noticing the slightest difference in the face of their partner, they understand each other more than anyone else.

There is a lot to understand from the other one when they are completely two different people, like beliefs, internal conflicts (check the second article of this blog “The First Chapter Formula”), and struggles.

2. Different personalities 

Why? There is no more extra effort to understand the other person if the two protagonists have the same way of thinking, belief, or the same point of view on the world. 

One of the beauties of love is the curiosity to know and make a step to understand a partner.

Each protagonist should have excitement and admiration to discover the qualities of the other protagonist. They will find a new self throughout the novel while developing this relationship as a mutual feeling. At the same time, your readers get curious about how the two protagonists are going to get closer yet their differences.

3. Consider the two protagonists as individuals 

The two protagonists should have their internal conflicts, backstories, and life before they meet. You should be able to write different stories, even if there is no romantic relationship.

So, what are romance novels for? The romance part is for transforming each protagonist into a new individual. The romantic relationship should bring a new aspect for the two protagonists, improving them as a person. It’s more interesting and exciting for the readers to discover the romance between two different characters.

4. The romantic journey of your romance novel

Two protagonists traveling with different internal conflicts is a challenge they accept or would like to do just because they love each other! Isn’t that beautiful? And that adds richness to the experience of readers who are searching for romance.

The protagonists should have an impact on each other’s lives in a romance novel. You must show what evolved for the two protagonists during this journey. It can be their internal conflict, fears, misbeliefs, achievements, or personality.

You can even create a new internal conflict from the internal conflicts of the two protagonists!

The thing is they should not only fall in love but bloom in love through this journey together so that it doesn’t feel like a random love story where there is only romance from the beginning to the end without a real purpose.

5. Romantic tension 

Let readers envies to know the evolution of the relationship between the two protagonists.

Add unfulfilled desires like long-distance relationships, societal or familial pressure, unreciprocated love at the beginning, or finding the right person at the wrong time. Show the progression of this romantic relationship from how they meet to how they build their relationship (check the article “Show, Don’t tell” of this blog to know more about showing a story). However, make sure you are not stagnating the story and repeating several times the same problems or fights that prevent the relationship from growing. The building of the relationship should not get your readers bored.

Now, you know how to impress your readers with a romantic novel where the two protagonists share a romantic intimacy even if they have different perceptions. Let the readers immerse themselves in the romantic journey with tension, and you are ready to start your beautiful romantic novel!

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